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my bebyboo sudaa balekk perlis . sedeyy kott :(

heyy reader .
chentaa aku sudaa pulanxx .
waa sedeyy larr :( .
kayy lagy 2weeks deaa balekk larr.
cuty raye kann ? heeeee (:
act my bebyboo takasi aku maenn blogg neyy .
entaa apa naa jelouss ponn tatao . sohai -.-"
justt bole cytee jeaa bukann bole mengGEDIK ponn .
semlam deaa mehh amekk aku giyy rondaa naekk keta zackk .
tetybee bole wearr baju sama .
baju couplee body glove toe larr .
taa rancangg ponn kayy naa pkay baju toee #ada jodoh kott , hoho ;DD
now deaa daa sampay perlis daa .
renduu meyhh .
kann beshh iff deaa tapayaa giyy ddok kat perlis toee daa .
tanakk daa bejaohh nan deaa .
teseksaa kott , mcam-2 in my mindd pker sal deaa tao taa .
apa deaa uadd aku tatao .
iff dokk cneyy bole larr jugakk tao kann .
tapeelarr , i accept this with open mindd kayy .
markk trial aku tadee ponn gred A .
yg ada B C D . Whatt The Fishh [!] --"
toee larr bak kata oangg tuaa "oangg souhh belajaa tanakk" . harhar ;p
tapy oke larr kann tade failed .
tapee larr tatao naa merapu apa daa .
kbaii .

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